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Ease your way into an organised home by starting small by Marie Cummins from My Organised Nest

Far Fetched Accessories

Updated: Oct 23, 2022

Hi all! It's Marie here from My Organised Nest.

It's a new year and, if you're like most people, you're already compiling your long list of things to do. At this time of year, we all start to think about getting more organised around the house.

Let's face it, the battle for organisation, it's a constant struggle for most. Clutter and disorganisation will drive you up the wall if you let it.

When I get messages from clients and followers that say “I feel so unorganised and don't know where to start” I tell them to pick one space in their home ( it doesn't have to be a whole room, it can be something as small as one drawer!)

When that is completed they can move on to the next area and the next. It won't happen overnight but if you chip away little by little before you know it you'll start feeling organised.

I think every room has one area that needs major attention but like I just said don't overwhelm yourself at first start small.

The Junk drawer

Like it or not we all have one! Organising a junk drawer is a small project that delivers big results. Creating cubbies for your junk means everything will look tidy even when items wind up out of place. Small baskets/containers will help you keep a customised system.


It's time to untangle all the jewellery and organise it in a way that will encourage you to wear it. Sort it into piles and separate by type. STACKERS are a great solution for organising any collection of jewellery large or small. They are the ideal way to keep on top of your jewellery collection. “Far Fetched accessories” have a fantastic collection of STACKERS in fabulous tones that will compliment any jewellery collection.

Food cupboard/Pantry

Labelling is key to sustaining food organisation in your kitchen. Start by organising your food items into groups i.e., pasta, canned goods, snacks etc. Decide what type and how many containers you will need i.e., clear jars, baskets etc. Decant your food items into their individual labelled containers, this makes life so much easier and you will no longer have to dread making the grocery shopping list as having items labelled saves time and you can see exactly how much you have left of each item (also saves you money) Another tip is to place the expiry date on the back of the labelled containers.

My Golden Rule

Train yourself to put things back in their home. Once everything is organised the only way that it will stay organised is if you get in the habit of putting things back where they go as soon as you are finished with them.

Small changes can produce big results!

Sometimes life is too chaotic for some of us and we just can't do it all. If you need help to lighten the load or you are looking for a quick fix let “My organised nest" help you.

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